Auto adhair filterE497L 0040942404 C411776 AF26165 làraidh adhair Criathrag

Goirid Tuairisgeul:

1. A seòrsa ùr de àrainneachd Criathrag pàipear a ghabhail os làimh gus piseach a thoirt air èifeachdas an t Criathrag eileamaid.

2. Tha èifeachdas sìolachaidh a tha suas ri 99,5% (98% de na h-ola amar-seòrsa adhair Criathrag), agus drùidhteach ìre de duslach eil ach 0.1% gu 0.3%.

3. Compact structar, faodar a chur a-steach ann an sam bith, agus chan eil e air a chuingealachadh le cruth nan carbad pàirtean.

4. Faodaidh e cuideachd a shàbhaladh tòrr stuth mar cotan snàth, a 'faireachdainn agus stuthan meatailt. 

5. Ìosal càileachd agus cosgais ìseal. Mar sin, faodaidh an dràibhear a bhith cinnteach a chleachdadh.

6. glanaibh air, fuaim a lùghdachadh agus connadh a shàbhaladh.

  • Price :: Togbhail $ 28-32 / Pieces
  • MOQ :: 50 pìosan
  • Solar Comas :: 5000 Piece / Pieces gach Mìos
  • Pàigheadh :: L / CD / AT / T Siar Aonadh MoneyGram
  • Port :: Tianjin Shanghai Guangzhou Ningbo Qingdao
  • bathar Detail


    Production Process

    Our Company

    Package & Shipping

    Quick Details:

    Place of Origin:Tianjin, China (Mainland)      Brand Ainm: GHL

    Warranty:1 Years                                           Size: 404.5mm * * 223.8mm 347mm, 404.5 223.8 * * 347mm

    OE NO.:E497L                                              Type: Air a 'chriathrag

    OEM:E497L                                                  Material: Pàipear Filter

    Color:Original Color                                      Coitcheann Càileachd: TOP

    Car Make: Truck

    Pacaidh & Lìbhrigeadh

    Packaging Details:0040942404 air filter one piece in poly bag to be put in one box, 1 boxes to be packed in one carton, Or as per customer's packing instruction.

    Stiùir Ùine: 7-15days



    E497L Air Criathrag

    Fits / Car Make: & OEM No.

    OEM NO.:E497L


    * * 404.5 223.8 347mm

    Inntrigeadh 1:

    Automobiles & Rothairean-motair >> Auto Engine >> >> Air togadairean E497L Air Criathrag  

    Inntrigeadh 2:

    Machinery>>General Industrial Equipment>>Industrial Filtration Equipment>>Air Filter >>  E497L Air filter


    Wood phronnaidh Criathrag pàipear, poly urethane, rubair, iarann ​​etc.



    Àireamh an àite:

    0040942404 C411776 AF26165 0040942504 0040942504 C411776 0040946604




     Truck Engine / Auto Engine / cladhadh Engine / Industrial Machinery



    1.For toirt air falbh dust agus pìosan eile 2.Adopt choileanadh àrd 100% fiodh-phronnaidh Criathrag pàipear 3,100% meacanaigeach rubair
    1. Sìolachaidh èifeachdas còrr is 99%

    5.High ìrean bho ìre a 'chiad stuthan sònraichte a bhith a' tagradh airson Eòrpach làraidh

    Pasgannan Fiosrachadh:

    E497L Air filter one piece in poly bag to be put in one box, 1 boxes to be packed in one carton, Or as per customer's packing instruction.


    DETAIL 01

    The filtration efficiency is up to 99.5%(98% of the oil bath type air filter), and the penetration rate of dust is only 0.1% to 0.3%.


    DETAIL 02

    Compact structure, can be installed in any direction, and is not restricted by the layout of vehicle parts.





    DETAIL 03

    Purify air, reduce noise and save fuel.

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  • 浩航_11_02


    Tianjin Golden Hugeline Co.,Ltd is located in Tianjin,China . The company covers an area of 12000 square meters,and the clean workshop covers more than 4800 square meters. There are 85 persons working in our company, including management staff(10 persons), professional and technical staff(8 persons),salesman staff(20 persons),operators(10 persons). The company export department was established in 2010,and the registered capital is 3000000 yuan. we are a professional team which researches, develops, produces and sells many kinds of filters.we have two PU filter production lines,including 6 large-scale injection molding production lines,8 environmentally-friendly production lines,a set of laboratory equipment,vacuum cleaners and 20 other professional production equipment. our company has the ISO 9001 certification.We ensure that our highly efficient filters will enjoy stable quality and reasonable prices.
